One more time at the back for the people who haven't heard yet. Many nurseries have higher numbers attending every day than some small primary schools. It's not unusual for a MNS to have >100 on roll. Many are built as one open plan large room, making splitting into small groups
Very difficult, if not impossible. Children attend at different times, so more than 100 can be in this space every day. That's >100 vectors of transmission. Staff ratios are higher but please don't think that means that children are able to be in tiny bubbles, as it isn't always
logistically possible. So we then have more adults mixing. These children can not socially distance, need hugs, often sneeze on staff. When they get excited they sometimes accidentally spray staff with saliva as they speak, quite a few need intimate care, so staff are coming into
contact with more bodily fluids than in primary or secondary schools. With no PPE. No PPE, no distancing, no limits on the numbers who can attend, often in one open plan space. If we agree that a class of 30 older children offers too many potential vectors of transmission,
how can we say that the above situation doesn't? This makes no sense. We need urgent actions now to limit the spread of the virus. @educationgovuk @GavinWilliamson Please limit nursery places to Key Worker and Vulnerable children now and help to keep our communities safe.
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