Many hoped that Trump would "cross the Rubicon" on January 6th. Sadly, the "dissident right" is the land of the blind, and Trump had already crossed the Rubicon in December.

There are civility norms and institutional norms. During the 2016 campaign, Trump violated all kinds of
civility norms, such as mocking of rival presidential candidate Carly Fiorina's physical appearance. It was violation of these civility norms that got Trump labeled as "unconventional". For most of Trump's presidency, he sat utterly powerless, not even able to handle the
vexatious Russian collusion investigation against him. The whole time he continued to violate civility norms.

On the night of the election, Trump immediately starting ginning up false claims of "election rigging". His campaign proceeded to file over 60 nuisance lawsuits and
disseminate false information through press conferences. This was within institutional norms, although the nuisance nature of those lawsuits stretched it to the very limit.

Once Trump's legal avenues had been exhausted in December, he was expected to give up. He did not.
Instead Trump ham-fistedly crossed the Rubicon in December and proceeded to violate sacred institutional norms that are never forgiven. And being Trump, having crossed the Rubicon, he failed to follow through.

The incident on January 6 makes it worse, but Trump had already
sealed his fate before that. Its not really possible to guess what will happen now to Trump, but he is in extreme legal jeopardy. Trump is no 4D chess master, rather he is a cunning rat with expertise in using and abusing his supporters.
There are people insisting that Trump's vile act on January 6 must be glorified, which is tantamount to taking ownership of Trump's foul legacy.

If you see someone doing that, block. Shun. Treat them as the enemy, for they do the work of the enemy knowingly or not.
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