Textbook definitions of concepts≠Practical reality

Thus, all Dharmic people must know the true implications of certain words that most of us use so carefreely.

Otherwise, this causes misunderstanding, especially abroad, and the advocacy of the Hindu identity fails.

A Thread.
Don't use 'Nationalist' to describe your patriotic love. Nationalism might be defined as love for the nation, but in reality it means cultural supremacy/bigotry. It's associated to Nazism/Fascism.
You'll be globally viewed as a racist if you call yourself that.
Right-Wing: Again, it's a Western term meaning ☪✝✡ zealotry/dogmatic belief, both which aren't Dharmic. It means the oppressive/regressive ideologies of cultural fanatics, which oppose reform. Dharmic culture is inherently progressive/enlightened. It opposes Conservatism.
Capitalism: again defined as private-owned enterprise, but in reality refers to the exploitative system of private corporations which misuse natural/artificial resources out of lust for money and clout.

Calling yourself pro-capitalism is akin to saying you're pro-colonialism.
And lastly, please don't call yourself a Hindu Nationalist if you're Dharmic, since Hindu "Nationalism" is a supremacist notion meaning creating a state ONLY for Hindus where all other religious communities are inferior. This is hateful, and against our Dharmic identity.
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