Day 11 in #TwitterBirdsong-land, and if you're still going, give yourself a pat on the back.
Some birds are nice. Some birds are helpful. Some birds restrict their output to one or maybe two sounds.

The nuthatch, much as I love the pastel-shaded bandit-masked little perk-bundle, is not one of those birds.
I am, ever so slightly, overdramatising the situation - you’re not going to confuse a nuthatch with a song thrush, say, or a robin. But the variety of nuthatch songs and calls does give an idea of what we’re up against.
Go for a walk in your local wood, especially a bit later in the year, and especially in the morning, and you'll hear a nuthatch, likely as not*.

*Not in Ireland or a lot of Scotland, though. Terms and conditions apply.
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