Also, a message, that I want to say to community after the interview with John: please, don't treat streaming, as a competition, as I did. I can definitely say, that this path will only lead you to sadness, since there always will be people, that have "an edge" over you.
What I've finally realised, that we all should be together on this journey and help each other in any way, that we can. Care about each other, DM with some cute pics, inspirational words or simply saying, that there is someone, that cares about you.
And never forget, that we all are just people behind the monitor. We may have weak sides, but together we can improve each other, become stronger and better, that we were yesterday.
Something, that also needs to be mentioned: if you stream and not having fun - you're just treating it, as a job.
But streaming is a terrible job, honestly. You most likely won't be immideately successful over a night, as almost everyone here.
I did my very best, but also didn't get it too.
So it's better to just find a proper job, that will give you normal and stable income.
But if you truly treat streaming as fun activity, that you're being fully passionate about and you're working on it in your free time/nightime just to be even better - you can achieve so much over the time, than most people, that don't do that, won't achieve.
So just do what you you feel like you want to do and enjoy your life, god damnit. :D
And never decline on a chance of receiving some critique/tips from other people, that clearly have more experience. Even, if they're giving tips in somewhat rude way - they still are giving you tips.
People don't oblige to always be nice with everyone. (It's nice, of course, to be respectful though :D)
Never skip on this chance.
And as for me - I will be working on myself even more to be even better, and soon I will be the most biggest inspiration in your life, that cares about everyone of you, cuties. ~
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