Watching @nadhimzahawi on #SkyNews this morning, I think I've figured out how the government are going to fiddle the figures on how many people have been vaccinated, so that they can claim to have met their target of vaccinating all the over 70s by mid February when they haven't
You will recall that last spring, they made a big thing of their promise to test 100,000 people per day by the end of April.

They missed the target by miles, of course, but claimed that they'd met it.
They did this by 2 little tricks: first, counting the number of tests rather than the number of people tested, so if for example someone had a nose swab and a throat swab taken at the same time, then they would show up twice in the official statistics.
And second, by counting tests mailed out to people in the post has having been done as soon as they were sent, even if they were never returned for testing.
Well, I think we're going to see similar shenanigans with the statistics for numbers of people vaccinated.

Zahawi was careful to talk about promising that 15 million people would be "offered" a vaccine by the middle of February.

That's not the same as being vaccinated.
So if 93-year-old Doris is sent a letter asking her to book her vaccination online but she can't figure out how to use the website, well, no matter, she was "offered" the vaccine.
And if your GP surgery phones you up on 12 February to invite you for a vaccine appointment, but the next available slot is on 23 May, well, you have definitely been "offered" a vaccine.
So I fully expect to see the government loudly trumpeting their success in "offering" the vaccine to all the over 70s by the middle of February, but not to have got anywhere near vaccinating them all.
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