Eye care awareness thread
1. You'll see most of the opticals and hospitals putting advertisement as fully computerized eye examination. It's not a computer. It's an auto refractometer. It just gives the examiner a power range to start the refarction. It's not 100% accurate.
(1) moreover the auto ref machine gives us corneal curvature values. But that's for another purpose.

The auto ref examination is called objective refraction. While there's more accurate objective refraction such as retinoscopy exist, very few do it due.
(1) most doens't knew the basics of retinoscopy all though it's the gold standard.
(2) after doing the objective refraction the examiner must do subjective refraction. We do it by placing a trial frame (mostly) or with a phoropter machine ( few institutes have it in Assam, very expensive)

If your examiner is directly giving you a prescription after autoref
(2) it's ethically and morally wrong.
Ask your examiner to do it manually i.e objective refraction.

The autoref mahcine can't detect any pathology except if you have cataract or corneal scar.
(3) auto ref machine shows variable results in cases of young children due to the high accommodation they possessed. ( Accommodation is for another day, or you can google it)
(4) moreover it's really important for young children below age 15 to go for a cycloplegic refraction (done after dilation). If your examiner is giving your child a power prescription without doing cyclo refraction ask for it. Only than the actual results will come out.
(5) there are no medicine available which will stop your power or help stopping the development of cataract.

Currently atropine is being used for myopia correction and control. It's still under research plus atropine has so many side effects.
(6) if someone says take these pills it will stop your power progress he's making a fool of you.
(7) cataract can develop at any age. From neonatal to any age.

It's important to remove the cataract as soon as possible. Hard cataract can damage your retina and the 3rd nerve. If those 2 gets affected even surgery won't help restoring your vision.
(8) cataract and refractive error are 2 leading cause of avoidable blindness. Both can be treated easily
(9) if your 40 your near vision may be reduced. Don't worry, it's just a normal body change called presbyopia.
(10) while practicing contact lenses the most common questions I face are
a. Will the contract lens melt inside my eyes while cocking
Answer- a big no
b. Yearly contact lenses are cheaper. I'll go for it. Screw you for suggesting monthly
Answer - yes yearly contact lens may look
(10) cheap, but just think about a t-shirt that your going to wear day and day out for a complete month, washing it in the night than again putting it on every morning. Think about the condition of the t shirt material.

Same happens with yearly contact lenses. With time protein
(10) deposition occurrs in the lens surface, plus oxygen permeability will be reduced, resulting in inflammation of your eyes. Most people will complain of redness heavy ness and watering while wearing them after 6 months.
The other problem yearly contact lenses can cause is
(10) corneal vascularisation due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Remember cornea is avascular. (There's no blood vessels are in there)

Therefore it's always safe to go for monthly or daily disposable contact lenses. Remember your eyes are precious not your money
(11) the other most common condition I have seen in our part of the country specially in children is amblyopia. Due to lack to eye care and awareness a lot of children who have developed refractive error won't go for glasses. The brain will start to ignore one eye( weak on)(
(12) amblyopia treatment has developed. But practitioners in Assam are still following old rules.

Yes glasses are the first step, yes patching one eye is good, but patching also has its own side effects. Few places provide vision therapy which is essential for amblyopia
(13) coming to the medicine part. A lot of examiner will prescribe you streoids just after checking you with autoref. Remember streoids may increase you eye pressure which can lead to glaucoma. Always ask your examiner about your eye pressure. Common steroids are prednisolone
(13) lotepred. Always Google your prescription. You have the authority to ask questions to the examiner.

Is it necessary to take vitamin pills after every visit? No absolutely not.

Your eye pressure can be measured with Goldman applanation tonometer or any other tonometer.
(13) tonometer is usually attached with the slit lamp. Only the slit lamp can help diagnose pathology. Not the autoref . I repeat.
(14) when to go for an eye check up.
Answer- mostly yearly. Irrespective of age.
But if you have diabetes than an retina examination is a must after every one year.
(15) glasses or Lasik?
Well to answer that question I ask my patients what they want? Do they want a life without the Hessel of glasses till age 40 with lots of dryness or they prefer glasses with comfortable eyes. Lasik will help you till age 40 only. đź‘€
Can excessive use of mobiles and tv and other gadgets effect your vision?
Yes. Just look at our neighbour Japan and Korea. Most of them are highly myopic. Recent studies have shown minimum 73 minutes of outdoor activities needed for young people to have a good distance vision.
Another alienated concept to people of Assam about Optometrists and opthalmologist.

Optometrists are primary eye care professional. They can prescribe glasses and diagnose and treat cases, but they aren't allowed to do surgery
While opthalmologist are mainly trained for surgical purposes.

An Optometrists specialised in low vision aids, binocular vision treatment, contact lenses ( Normal and special; RGP, ortho k, scleral, mini scleral), India currently doens't allow them to do surgery.
An opthalmologist specialised in surgery and medicines.Both are an integral part of the eye care.

An opthalmologist have a MBBS degree along with MS in opthalmology and all. While an Optometrists have batchelor in Optometry and master.They can go for fellowship programs and phd
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