Among the more disgusting, moronic, pathetic takes I've seen in recent days has been from Republican voters. Unable to deal with their own role in what they've done to their country, they've decided that it's all the fault of... Democrats.

Yes, that's right. Democrats. 🙄🙄🙄🤮
"You started it by not accepting Trump!"

No you fucking morons. We WARNED you again and again and again about what would happen if you voted in someone so completely, totally, 100% unfit in every possible way.

Where the US is now is the inevitable consequence of what YOU did.
- You voted him in despite knowing he'd committed sexual assault and bragged about it

- You voted him in despite knowing he was a racist, sexist and misogynist

- You voted him in despite knowing that far right fascists supported him

And why? Your bank accounts and pocketbooks.
That was, quite literally, all that mattered to you. "I'll be a bit richer so fuck everyone else".

How did Democrats respond? With horror, revulsion, fear... and NO violence. Did Democrats try to commit a coup and want to execute Republicans? Did they plan armed insurrection?
And you know what Democrats spent the next 4 years doing? Trying to keep your country safe from someone who wanted to turn it into Nazi Germany with nuclear weapons.

So they impeached the bastard. And the Republicans wouldn't even allow witnesses at his trial.
Because OBVIOUSLY, that's what innocent people with nothing to hide do, huh?

"The party of law and order" couldn't give a damn about law and order for rich white people. 'Law and order' means if you're not part of their corrupt, criminal club, you can get stuffed.
The same bastard:

- Refused aid for Puerto Rico, killing thousands
- Separated families at the border and threw kids into cages
- Kidnapped peaceful protestors in Portland
- Is responsible for THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FOUR THOUSAND dead Americans through his wanton negligence
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