1/ As some of my followers know already, I’m am in the midst of a civil case right now where my rapist is suing me for speaking out. Not content with the assault on my body, the destruction of my reputation in my town, harassing me til I left the county and eventually the country
2/ threatening me at my home, the disintegration of my physical health and my mental health, he and his family have since May 2020 sought to misuse the legal system to destroy me further.

I have a fantastic solicitor. The top barrister in this country took on my case. GSOC are
3/ now investigating the serious misconduct by the guard I initially reported the rape to and her failure to investigate. After 16 years, divisional protective services have finally opened a criminal investigation into this man. My doctors and my trauma psychologist have provided
4/ reams of documentary evidence of the impact this has had on my life and health. The support and guidance of the @Vicsalliance has bolstered me for months to keep fighting.

The case is to be heard in the high court on February 9th. Because it’s a civil case, I won’t have
5/ access to victim support services usually available in a criminal rape trial. I will be treated as a defendant rather than the victim of the crime.

It took the rapist 9 months to bring me to court. In 16 years I was not afforded that opportunity to hold him accountable in
6/ front of a judge. This is the justice system, apparently.

I’m exhausted. I want to stand up there and tell a jury what he and his family did to me. But the PTSD tailspin has overtaken me. I don’t have any fight left in me. This is too much, the injustice is too much.
7/ the frequency of victims being punished is too much. This mountain is insurmountable for me now. I’ve been climbing it for too long and I can’t do it anymore.
8/ can we please do better in this country? Can we please have a system where justice doesn’t traumatize the victim further while offering perpetrators every assistance in continuing their abuse? This fucking country has failed us for too long.

You can follow @OhLookItsMe7.
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