I don't know who needs to hear this but you cannot accidentally fake a mental health condition or sexual/gender identity.

you can misunderstand, you can have delusions, you can misinterpret, you can be missing information, but *faking* is an intentional, conscious decision.
so one way to deal with this insecurity is working through the other options.

have you really understood the definitions of the words? are you currently at your normal level of (in)sanity? are you being honest with yourself? are your headmates?
if those kinds of questions don't turn up any obvious problems, you can safely ditch that insecurity.

"what if I am wrong about how I understand my own internal experiences?" makes no sense under any framework of reality unless some part of you is actively misleading yourself.
and FWIW, it absolutely does not harm anyone if you are somehow wrong. as long as you self ID in good faith, simply being wrong about it is neither a character flaw nor an ethical offense.

all it does is offer you chances to learn more and understand yourself & others better.
(I also especially recommend "asking your headmates" if what you're unsure about is being plural - not knowing if these parts of your mind are seperate & complete enough to form distinct people means that at the very least, something is hidden there that you can't access well)
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