Going to go on MAGA twidder soon and starting spamming NJP everywhere, maybe they'll click.
I'm a small account though, would be nice if others could do this as well. Wouldn't you agree? @BigToneDaBoss @ApocalypseSkull @RealWriteWinger @ThatOldSheepDog @VanguardLabor @V8POW @FranzLiszt60 @RacistClip @MechaSilvio @RadByReality
Consider the fact that MAGA boomers are attracted to shit that is highly censored or fringe. They love Infowars for this reason, since they feel as though Alex Jones is a real dissident (in reality, he is not much of a threat).
Last thing we want is for the MAGA movement to make their own civnat party and achieve nothing. It's up to us to prevent that. Not much time left now.
Well don't just fucking drop likes, retweet my thread goddamnit
You can follow @solar_arctic.
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