The final play was to get the men you trust to teach you objective truth to, over the past 60 years, whittle away at it using a combination of apparent authority, fancy intellectual phrases like "remote material cooperation," or false piety like "peaceful prayer protest." 👇🏻
The problem reveals the solution. Have you not wondered why Bergoglio demonizes the word "rigid?"

It's bc, in the face of a global demonic assault against it, your salvation depends on you rigidly adhering to objective truth, and ignoring their dissembling.

Once you do 👇🏻
Once you seek & become grounded in first & fundamental principles, God's law, the 10 commandments + the 2 that explain their meaning & their source as given to us by Christ, once you do so humbly, consistently, & without intellectual compromise 👇🏻
(by this I mean not sacrificing or justifying principles simply bc you, as we all are, a sinner. A thief can steal knowing it's wrong & never justify it) the entire bloody charade falls apart. All of it. Literally.

But it requires consistently, fortitude, & aspiring to 👇🏻
live in the state of grace. These are what they fear. The latter 2 go hand in hand. The consistency, I've come to begrudgingly accept, is often a charism either given by our heavenly father, or taught by our earthly. But it absolutely can be acquired.

Bottom line: 👇🏻
Literally all it takes to understand the state of the world is to reject the noise, fall back on extreme first principles, practice them, and reject any idea or person who would entice you to compromise them in *any* way.

Perfect performance is impossible. But *attempting* perfect performance with humility & sincerity will reveal to you the Great Deception and how unbelievably obvious and stupid it all is.

It is time for radical Christianity.

It absolutely is.
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