One of the things I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around is how war has changed. It used to be that power was held almost exclusively by nation states and they went to war with each other in formal declared ways.
We’ve spent the better part of two decades trying to fight a war that way and failing. Radical elements within countries that the country itself is also struggling with are declaring “war” but really attacks that are punishments for bad behavior from their sovereignty.
And I’ve been thinking how similar the coming violence is going to be. It’s not gonna be Idaho vs California. It’s going to be white supremacist factions waging attacks.
Power is also different because we’ve unbundled money, information, decision making rights/proximity, and reach of ideas in an internet age. So losses of power will look different. Gains will look different.
Much like everything else, we will be experiencing this with the tools we’ve had instead of the tools we’ll need.
And because it’s going to look so different from all the ways we’ve been taught these kind of things happen we have a high potential of not knowing what we are in while we are in it, and only in the reflection of it.
Kinda how Wednesday happen and while folks were using the term insurrection - the depth and breadth of the violation and what it meant became apparent to many folks a day later. Private industry acted to curb violent organizing through their tools 3 to 5 days later.
Anyway, just ruminating on some of the things I’m seeing because the level of creation we are going to need to wage for the world we wanna build is going to eclipse anything we’ve known and all of us will need to bring our imagination to the build.
It is also worth saying that the folks who knew what was happening while it was happening were primarily Black women and some other people of color. So there is that.
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