As the President heads down to the border this week just a few short days after his white supremacist mob rioted the Capitol building I thought I would share some of my thoughts in a thread. #WeAreHome 1/
It was approx 2.5 minutes into his Presidential campaign announcement over 5 years ago that Donald Trump decided to wage a war against Latinx/Mexican/immigrant families as a cornerstone of his agenda. "They're bringing crime, they're rapists" was the beginning of 4 yrs of hell 2/
At that time, few cared. Many of us on the outside raged about how dangerous he was. @jorgeramosnews stood up and challenged him in Iowa. His fellow reporters sat in their chairs as he was kicked out. The visual of white complicity that day foreshadowed what was to come. 3/
Fast-fwd to week 1 of the Trump Presidency, his calls for white nationalism became more than rhetoric & began to destroy lives with the rollout of the Muslim Ban, the Border Wall, & an executive order declaring all undocumented people targets for his deportation force. 4/
What followed, attacking DACA, ending TPS, ripping breastfeeding children from their mother's breast, raiding plants in Mississippi, leaving children without parents at the end of the school day, was just what made the evening news. It was worse. 5/
His plan was always the same: stop people of color from entering the US by ending immigration channels, & destabilize the lives of as many immigrants here so they suffer/leave. This "American carnage" was always symbolic for them though, to try to define America in whiteness 6/
& so to be frank: it's very dangerous that he a week after telling his white supremacist mob that he loved them as they dangerously invaded the Capitol that he goes to try to reframe "the invasion" to his typical punching bag: migrants seeking asylum, fathers looking for work. 7/
This is a man who moved our military down to the border as a "National emergency." A man who wondered if he could shoot asylum seekers. A man who did this. 8/:
The 29th marks 2 yrs since Trump created the horrific Remain in Mexico program where tens of thousands of families seeking asylum are languishing in refugee camps & shelters because the US has abdicated its international responsibility to allow people to present at the border. 9/
President-Elect @JoeBiden has committed to rollback the Remain in Mexico program on Day 1. While we don't expect this to literally happen on inauguration day, we are optimistic from announcements over Christmas from the transition that it's coming soon. 10/
Unfortunately for us, the same officers who took children from their parents under Trump, are those who will have to implement some of this work of unwinding Trump harm. This work to unwind 100s of immigration actions is going to require focus, collaboration, & HUMANITY. 11/
For Donald Trump (& Stephen Miller), "Democrats & the illegals" are stealing America from the claws of his base. This trip is to make one last stand. To energize militias. To energize the agents to obstruct the mountain of policy change ahead of us in the Biden administration 12/
It is incredibly dangerous what he is doing. Especially after last week. We shouldn't roll our eyes at just another border trip. This is pure evil. Where he will continue to wage war against people suffering because our country is breaking the law. 13/
Just remember, everyday these policies stay in place, Donald Trump is lining the pockets of the cartels at the border who are kidnapping children, torturing mothers, and fathers, and extorting Americans. The good news is we are 10 days away from a new day with possibilities. 14/
. @JoeBiden has the obligation to fully turn the page. "Restoring the soul of the nation" starts w/ ending MPP, welcoming asylum seekers. Stopping families from being separated. Ending deportations. & putting those on the frontlines of this pandemic on a fas track to citizenship.
He must be steadfast. In the face of an energized group of agents working against his agenda. He must hold people in that agency who committed human rights atrocities accountable. He must rollback all the harm AND #buildbackbetter by building the immigration system we deserve /16
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