Okay so I did a bit of thinking and I found a scenario for what I believe sums up the race wars on Twitter. I call it the Black Superman Scenario (the name sounds like it’s going to be racist I know, but it makes sense with context trust me)
Lets say we are in a world with two supermen. You have White Superman, and Black Superman. Both are brothers and love each other dearly. They fight for American values and blah blah blah you already know what Superman does and all that.
One day there is this group of protestors, white and black, that are about to be killed by a terrorist group, and the supermen are the only ones that know about it.
Black Superman accidentally kills a white person and black person in the fight, and Superman also kills a white person and black person in the fight. The terrorists were stopped, but obviously 4 protestors died.
Now people treat Black Superman as the hero because although he killed the same amount and race of people Superman killed, he is Black, so it doesn’t matter as much to the public. However, everyone including the media is talking about how Superman killed a black person.
Everyone ignores the fact that the same thing happened with Black Superman, but being the supportive brother he is, he tries to calm the public and persuade them to understand that White Superman wasn’t at fault here.
Seeing that White Superman was getting accused of being intentionally racist and killing a Black person on purpose, the White Supremacists get mad. Now you have the Black Supremacy group butting heads with the White Supremacy group.
But what nobody noticed was what the Supermen were doing. Since they couldn’t control it, they both decided to leave it to the government. They went to the top of the tallest tower and sat and watched the sunset and cried together, both overwhelmed by the fact that -
- they were responsible for the deaths of 4 innocent people. They can’t control it, but they know that they are in it together, and the story ends with them hugging each other as they fly into space, headed towards the direction of the sun.
Now I know this is a fictional scenario, but this is how I see Twitter and just the internet in general. People spend so much time promoting racial justice that they fail to see the flaws of what is going on, it’s NOT equal. Right now, racial injustice is stronger than ever.
People are giving Black Supremacists and White Supremacists major reasons to hate each other, and this is what I hate about the world. People shouldn’t have to be protesting in the first place because everyone shouldn’t be this incompetent.
Black People still are oppressed, and you cannot disprove this, it is purely a fact. Just take a look at the government. After the Civil Right Movement, it still took a whopping 50 YEARS before we got a Black President.
But I think it is getting to a point where everyone is too loud, BLM included. I’ve seen many people clout chasing on serious BLM posts and it disgusts me, since this is something that is very serious and that racial injustice still occurs.
Anyway, I’m not here to try to promote some crazy agenda, I just want to help prevent what could lead up to a second civil war in America based on race. I think there is no right side here, both sides have done some really shitty stuff, and once we can accept that, we can -
- finally start our first steps towards a truly fair and accepting society. But sadly, based on how things are going right now, I don’t see this happening for a long, long time.
Anyways yeah, it’s alright if you don’t agree with me, I just wanted to present my final views on this scenario. Personally, while I may not be an activist, I do believe in true equality for every person on the planet. Every life matters, and that shouldn’t be up for discussion.
This is definitely the longest and most important thread I’ve ever made
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