Some will call me naïve, but I don’t think Christians should have enemies. You may say that I’m not living in the real world, that there are people out there who just don’t like you much and want harm you and take everything you’ve built away from you.
True. But the Lord Jesus says to turn the other cheek, love your enemies, pray for your enemies.

So, where does that leave you? It leaves you with enemies you can’t hate or harm. What fun is that?
You can mark and avoid, and you can be wise to deceitful plots and the schemes of those you would love to see you harmed, but vengeance is not Christian. Retaliation is not in the Christian’s toolbox.
Sometimes you have to neutralize, sometimes you have to say, “No More” for the good of others.

But make no mistake, God has not made you to be a conduit of wrath and malice against another human being whom He loves.
And this is where we all are with our enemies, our enemies are beloved of the Father.

Shall I hate and harm God’s beloved? Shall I gossip and malign somebody who God loves?
People think it makes the people of Christ weak and wishy washy to run around telling everybody that God Loves them.

There are immensely tough implications of recognizing God’s love in Christ for all people. Namely that if He loves them then we too are called to love them.
And Love is always sacrificial. At least, Christ’s kind of love is.

Recognizing God’s love for you, will change you, but it means you must recognize God’s love for other people, and that too will change you.
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