Here are just a FEW of the weird, unresolved events that have happened over the last 4 years.

We've mostly forgotten about them because there was just another one the next day.

Add your own, this list is infinitely long!
When everyone in Hawaii received an emergency text at 8:07am local time telling them they were about to die by nuclear missile. It was attributed to an employee who didn't know they were running a drill.

Was that the real story that day?

8 Republican Congresstraitors (Shelby, Johnson, Kennedy, Daines, Hoeven, Moran, Thune, Granger) went to Moscow on the 4th of July.

What were they up to? Who did they meet? Whose idea was 4th of July? https://gregolear.substack.com/p/sleeper-cell-the-fourth-of-july-traitors
A mystery person allegedly finds a list of WH staffer Ryan Mcavoy's Protonmail passwords sitting on a bus stop bench. This person sends the list to The Intercept for some reason.

What really happened here? Dead drop? Intercept involvement? https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/378949-white-house-staffer-left-email-passwords-on-official-stationery
Less specific events:

📱Who all has had access to Trump's twitter account for the last 4 years?

⚰️What's up with Ivanka's bizarre patents in China (including coffins)?

🕵️‍♀️Wtf has been going on at Mar-A-Lago this entire time?

🔮What was the full story behind that glowing orb?
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