This summer I had a tweet about how the Left had turned politics into a woke religion complete with vocabulary, sacraments and persecution of anyone who dared to disobey their ideology. Big Tech sensors, throttles and mutes those who don't march in lock step. Thread.
In the last couple months the Right has turned MAGA into a religion complete with their King in Trump. Any conspiracy is touted as Gospel without any desire for truth. Trumps actions are not held to any standard. Any logical thought or disagreement is viewed as anarchy.
When you try to view something with a lens of impartiality, it feels like crazy town. We take in news that is palatable to us. When we only listen to the echo chamber we cannot understand why someone would think differently. The other side is the devil.
I've disengaged from SM for a bit because it feels like the pendulum has swung so violently on both sides that it is emotionally draining. Let's start looking for the good in people on both sides. Hatred is a dark place.
You can follow @dfaber84.
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