I didn't intend for this to rub anyone the wrong way and if it did, I apologize. This account wasn't created for any means beyond helping educate when I can. I am not a political person, so I'm not here to debate anyone. I love you all and am open and respect your opinions. https://twitter.com/Merican_Sniper/status/1348341654978228224
This is just something that has been weighing on me and I have had many ask my thoughts on it. So this will be my only comments on this matter on this account. First off, this is not a matter of left vs right, Trump or any of that. It's much greater. This is good vs evil.
I believe the time has come for all of the deception, all of the lies and corruption to be unveiled and the truth will come to light so that we can come together, heal, grow, and move forward as a nation.
Trump, broken and imperfect, like you and I, IN MY OPINION truly wants the best for this country. He is unorthodox, obnoxious, and goes against the grain. He knows and has seen the truth and he is a splinter in the Globalist, elitist agenda. Which is why they want to silence him.
He has mountains of evidence that is going to expose and bring many people to justice. They can't wait a week longer so they are trying to impeach him, silence him. Scrambling by any means possible to make it to where he can't get his message out.
All the judicial hearings, Seemingly obvious evidence of voter fraud and manipulation, all of the different things that could have been and many thought should have been a pathway to success for Trump didn't come to fruition so that the glory of God would be shown and that
The people needed to be exposed and brought to justice would and will be. The ceremonial processes, the failed trials, the electoral college vote, the certification all had to be done so that the true glory and power of God could be seen.
My interpretation is that this is a confirmation that the Lord is exposing the hearts of people throughout this process. Allowing them to commit the crimes, solidifying their actions of what they planned to do and what they decided to do. Which is treason.
I don't think it's possible for the masses to ignore the evil that has come about and I belive its going to come down to an informational warfare. Both sides throwing out all they can on each other trying to sway the public opinion.
I think leading up to the 20th will be a lot of chaos, but there will be a lot of light shed on everything going on. Again this is just MY opinion and my thoughts.
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