☁️ aqua - scorpio - capricorn - leo ☁️

though you've managed to physically walk away from people and situations that brought you great pain in the past, you still remain to be a prisoner of your own paranoia and fear that resides within your mind. you're being guided to release—
yourself from mental enslavement. your mind is your own biggest enemy right now. you're creating a lot stagnancy and road blocks within your path with all of your acts of self-sabotage, self-deprecation, and compulsive thinking. i'm seeing a vision of a person stuck between—
4 walls yelling and screaming to be set free. this vision somewhat relates to how you are trapped within your mind looking for a way out. perhaps you must learn how to block out the noise within your mind and ignore all thoughts that isn't your own. you may try to escape your—
thoughts by overworking yourself or remaining busy, but unfortunately you've had no luck with this. thoughts you ignore tend to sneak up on you interrupting your focus. you could feel defenseless or backed into a corner. many of you are indulging in unhealthy coping mechanisms—
to bear. if you've been smoking or drinking excessively lately, now could be a good time to cut back and take a tolerance break. escapism only leads to further mental torment, and too much cloudiness can cause disillusionment or delusion. you won't be able to focus on any tasks—
until you start focusing on what really needs your attention first. you could be emotionally distant and aloof these days because you've entered a state of complete numbness. you're in planning mode. trying to logically analyze and execute your next big move. you're doing–
this with extreme caution in fears of making a mistake, not being prepared, or not succeeding. some of you are very concerned about financial matters, or you're experiencing a time of being extremely low of funds and this is causing frustration, fear, or even depression. a lot—
of you are scared about taking a risk due to lack of money or resources. others of you are contemplating making a big decision in regards to money. you're being encouraged to use intuition when it comes down to this.
for those experiencing a financial drought or not too good luck when it comes to employment or their own business, expect things to progress soon. you shall receive unexpected money soon. others of you will be getting a call back about receiving a job. congrats on the new hire!
many of you are annoyed with the "lack" in your life, but you're apart of the reason it's there. due to your pain and trauma, you're closed off from people and things that could be good for you. you have too firm of a grip on past people and situations. you have to learn to make–
peace with everything that has happened to you, or else you'll never truly move on and be genuinely happy. it's okay to be hurt, but you're focusing strictly on the negative. not just about a certain situation, but about your entire life. you have to learn to search for the—
silver lining even when times get tough. you have to stop drowning in your sorrows and crying over spoiled milk. you can't change nobody but yourself, and you most definitely can't change what's already been done. time moves forward. we can never go back. sulking and dwelling—
only leaves us stuck, and restriction is what you're trying to avoid. your main focus is freedom, but to free yourself truly. you must first free yourself mentally. that is the greatest liberation. right now, you could feel drained and lacked of energy/vitality. there's a need—
to take care of yourself more. this stagnant period of your life has knocked you off your A-game but rest assured, you will feel like yourself in no time. prioritize your self care and your healing, and everything else will fall in place. you're currently feel indecisive or—
hesitant about something when it comes to love or your career, your judgement seems blocked due to your own fear and confusion. perhaps you should take time out before making a permanent decision. connect with your highest self or your ancestors for guidance. don't be impulsive!
significant signs:

-pisces moon/mercury
-aries rising/venus
-libra suns/moon/mars
-1234, 8, 111, 555
- feb, mar, april, and october 2021
- blue, purple, red, and pink
- excessive sleepiness
- migraines
- deep isolation
- wanting to run or escape
- dreams of voyaging/journeying
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