The Portal
April 28, 2019

On April 15th, 2019, full mysteries of the #Goddess were finally anchored on the surface of this planet in a certain group, after centuries of suppression…
…and after the last mysteries of Isis were completely discontinued at the #Isis temple of Philae in the year 457 of the current era.

The Isis temple of Philae:
On April 15th, exactly at the peak of the most important ceremony which fully anchored the #Goddess on the physical plane in full alignment with original protocols which originate in the legendary civilization of #Atlantis, …
They have ordered #Jesuits to put key #Templar sacred sites on fire immediately, as Templars were the main force recovering fragments of #Isis mysteries and bringing them into the awareness of the Western civilization.
#Templars have discovered ancient sacred texts connected to #Isis mysteries in #Solomon's stables near Al-Aqsa mosque:
Based on those texts, #Templars have built many cathedrals dedicated to Our Lady (Notre Dame) on locations of Isis temples throughout Europe:

#NotreDame #IsisTemples
Many of those #cathedrals were housing statues of Black Madonnas, which are actually Christianized versions of statues of dark skinned #Isis, sometimes nursing her child, #Horus.
The first building put on fire on April 15th was the #NotreDame church in Paris.
Which was built upon the temple of #Isis:

The Hidden Secrets of Notre Dame and the Parisii of Isis:
Fulford has assessed correctly that fire at the cathedral was a burnt offering to #Set, the arch-enemy of Goddess #Isis, as the main #BlackNobility family are in war against the Goddess for millennia:
The second fire to counteract the energy of the #Goddess was targeting #Solomon's stables near Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem:
It is interesting to note that #Jesuits have hinted at the fact that #NotreDame fire was not an accident:

Jesuits were also celebrating this fire with glee:
Comte de Saint Germain, in his previous incarnation as Francis Bacon, has partially revived #Goddess mysteries through Rosicrucian movement: 

#SaintGermain #Rosicrucian
As Comte de #SaintGermain he was the hierophant of the Goddess mysteries and he has initiated both Count #Cagliostro and Madame de Pompadour.

#MadameDePompadour thus became the first high priestess on the surface of the planet:
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