Not just JYPE's stocks, but other company's stocks are also falling briefly. G7 leaving don't just impact JYPE, it impact the whole kpop industry as they are also one of the group who brings in a portion of revenue to Korean culture, tourism, etc. If they left as a whole group
it means a great portion of the consumers of Korean culture and tourism are leaving the industry and not just a company. This is what happen when a big big group leave an industry. Kpop fandoms has no idea who truly is the bigger group of this industry due to mediaplay.
You only see youtube views and streams, but you don't see the bigger picture of what a global group can do to aiding an economy. A group like GOT7 is very valuable because they spread Korean culture, while bring in foreign people into the country as tourist.
GOT7 don't have a lot of domestic concerts on the scale of other groups, but they got many people into the Korean culture, not just kpop and helped build their soft power. When they have concert, many foreigners plan to attend and that help tourism, other local businesses.
The fact that news of them leaving came out got everyone's attention, not just Korea, but China, Thailand, all markets that they're big in found the news and discuss it more than a music award show with a full roster of big groups sent a powerful message to everyone.
IT IS A VERY BIG GROUP! And not only that, but to have EVERYONE on their side instead of the company's speaks volume.
That's not saying Kpop will die or anything like that. The Korean gov't will make sure it sustain to a certain point for their soft power. But if they lose more big groups in this way without the 4th gen quickly catching up, then that'd be the bigger problem.
It is just a start with G7 leaving the Kpop sector for a 3rd gen group. And they have lost a few 3rd gen groups already, and a few more will be on hiatus for enlistment, particularly one big one. 4th gen haven't reach anywhere as far as the 3rd gen groups, so it's going to be
a big big problem for the SK's economy, particularly when COVID is contained so concert can be put up again but these big groups who tour on large scale aren't there.
muting this thread because dumb people will come in here.
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