For every like, I'll post a fun hypnotic trigger idea, let's go!
1. "Tell the truth": whatever thoughts or words are trapped behind your subject's lips come tumbling out. V fun to get people to confess dirty desires this way.
2. "Every time you catch yourself doing [common fidget], you drop into trance" (bonus points if you then make it particularly easy for this trigger to slip their mind)
3. "Reverse orgasm": subject comes, extremely focused on the sensation + peaks + valleys etc... so that their brain can then replay the orgasm back in reverse, and they re-experience all the pleasure but end up right back on the brink, desperate and needy.
4. "Lost in my eyes": every time subject makes eye contact with you, they lose their train of thought. It's super cute 😍
5. "Unconscious humping/fucking": y'all are having a perfectly normal, innocent conversation... until you snap your fingers and subject realize they've been humping your leg/fucking themselves/etc. the whole time, and suddenly feel all the pleasure they've been keeping at bay.
6. "Cheating at wrestling": a wrestling match, but as your subject gets more turned on, it saps the strength from their body. If your subject is into feeling weak + physically overpowered, well, this is a delightful feedback loop! (Bonus: add stakes to the wrestling match!)
7. "Every motion is pleasure": every single movement they make (shifting, talking, breathing, blinking) translates to pleasure. The smallest squirm can amplify into writhing--an excellent feedback loop!
7 cont. Variant: it only counts for movements you order them to make, so you control their pleasure, AND get to boss them around!
8. "Brain plug": like a butt plug, for your brain! Makes your head feel all full, pushes the thoughts out and makes it harder to think, and gives you nice pleasurable feelings as it shifts inside you.
9. "Autofractionation": subject counts themselves up out of trance, then back down into trance. Repeat on loop until the 'tist gets bored.
9. "Override verification": subj has a fingerprint scanner in their [mouth/pussy/$ORIFICE]. You put your finger there and trigger override mode: they go blank and vacant and you can do whatever you want with them until you re-enable their brain!
10. "Blink away resistance": every blink makes it harder to resist trance. I mean, this is kind of a no-brainer, but making it explicit can be HOTTTT. (And you can get into all sorts of fun head games with them trying not to blink, and you teasing about how much they want to...)
11. "Reflected pleasure": oldie but a goodie. All the pleasure that your subject gives you is reflected back in the subject's own body. *chef's kiss*
12. "Chore motivation": the more of Chore X you get done, the more pleasure/submission/giggles/etc. your subject feels. This makes the chore much slower but much more enjoyable.
13. "It was all a dream": they can't tell how much of the scene you just had was real or imagined. Bonus points if you're in bed and can pretend they just woke up from a nap.
14. "Shyness off": remove their verbal filter and let them spout whatever filthy nonsense they deep down want to say. Bonus: turn the shyness back on and watch them get SUPER EMBARRASSED about everything they just said. (hat tip to @Girly_Juice + @supersleepyenby)
15. "Yes you may... haha jk": subj. must ask permission to come... but the permission drops them back down into trance and dissipates their arousal. (Hat tip to @HypnoHedonista and @SinisterDenial !)
16. "Reflected orifices": any sensation in their mouth is mirrored in their pussy/ass. Finger-fuck their mouth and enjoy!
17. "Too deep to fuck yourself": masturbation brings them deeper, so the closer they get to coming, the harder and harder it is to move, until right at the edge, they're simply too deep to move at all.
18. "Hold that thought": the trigger phrase causes the last thought the subject had to loop in their brain until you release it. Can be used for dirty/sexy things, or just for weird shit (ask @TennfanHypno how deeply he's considered a piece of fried chicken).
19: "Implanting thoughts": you slip a thought into your subject's head, and they think it as if it were their own. E.g. "I'm so deep and it's so hot"; "I want her to take my mind"; "I want to be kneeling right now"; "I want to take my shirt off, but it'd be inappropriate to >
> just do it, I need to persuade him".

Bonus application: mind-reading! When you "read" the thought that you just put there, it's đŸ’ŻđŸ”„âœš
20. "Just say yes": every time they say the word "yes," it saps their will/resistance just a little bit. A delightful head game with brats!

Bonus: they don't know about the effect, and are trying to resist you and need to figure out what's going on--before it's too late!
Ahaha oh fuck, I wanted Twitter attention and I got it, huh? 😅 I need to go do some chores, I'll be back later!
HI MOTHERFUCKERS I'M BACK. (For a second, and then it's bedtime.) Here we go:
21. "Say my name": if subject wants $THING (orgasm, trance, fancy chocolate bar, etc.) they need to persuade you by begging you by name. The only problem is... you've made them forget it 😈
22. "Porn mirror": watch some fun porn with your subject, and trance them to feel all the sensations of one of the performers.

(And SUPPORT SOME RAD CREATORS! Follow your faves on OF/MV/whatever, or check out @CrashPadSeries , @makelovenotporn , @QueerPornTV , etc.)
23. "Brain in your X": your subj's brain is in their [tits/pussy/cock/etc.] -- it's extra sensitive, and when you squeeze/fondle/fuck/etc. it, it jostles/scrambles/melts away their thoughts.

For a less explicitly sexy version: thoughts in their shoulders and give them a massage!
24. "I'm funny, damnit": All of my jokes are uproariously funny. You will laugh heartily at every one. Even when I say complete nonsense in the "look I'm telling a joke" voice. I am all-powerful.
25. "Simon Says": okay you COULD tie the obedience compulsion to "Simon Says X" but tbh I much prefer the framing of "$NAME, do X." If you just tell them to do something, it's not a compulsion, but as soon as you order them by name, they MUST obey.
26. "Yes, Sir": and every time they obey your order, they must acknowledge you. In private, this might be with your title, but this gets extra fun when out in public and they're obeying your orders AND need to find a way to acknowledge each one. Extra layers of power :)
27. "Forget how to masturbate": get your subj. all desperate and tell them to fuck themselves... but make them forget how (OR, they remember how to masturbate but have forgotten how to get themself off).
28. "Blank" v1: on trigger, subj. goes blank and doesn't perceive passage of time/things happening around them. You can move them around and "unblank" them and it'll feel like no time has passed. Watch their face when they're suddenly elsewhere, or naked, or kneeling!
29. "Blank" v2: you can also do things to their body while they're blank. Try having them be suddenly mid-edge, or suddenly feeling post-orgasmic but not having gotten to experience the orgasm, or fractionated to hell without remembering it happening.
30. "Taste the Rainbow": each color Skittle has a different effect (e.g. arousal, feeling cold/hot, immobilized, giggly/dumb, etc.) Fun on its own, but gets extra neat when you eat multiple colors at once!

Official note: can also be done with M&Ms.
Alright you pervs, it's bedtime. I'll probably go to 50 before I tap out, but idk, this is delightful! Lmk what you think 😄

(Fine print: if you use these ideas in your play, I am entitled to a 10% commission of the hotness.)
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