Yeah, I am really not getting past the multiple nooses and the gallows.
The legal concept of premeditation means that if you have even 10 seconds to think about what you’re doing and then don’t stop? That’s premeditation.
(This is how Murder One charges are met and made.)
It takes more than 10 seconds to design, build, assemble for flat pack, then assemble for use a gallows platform. MANY more. It’s not cosplay. It’s an indication of a group’s repeated fantasy about murder.
And not just one person. They’re a cooperative project, so more than 2 people had to think about the public murder of legislators, staff or others. And nobody said stop.
It’s not merely brandishing, like waving a pistol.
The fingerprints on that? Evidence of attempted murder.
I really need Congress to realize this. I need them to acknowledge that yes, murder was the plan.
I need them to not be in denial of the danger.
That their death might have been the one live-streamed.
That their peers provided tools — access, information, encouragement.
It’s not “They got rough. They didn’t mean it.”
It’s not “They were drunk.”
It’s not “They don’t know their strength.”
It’s not “They were really sorry & say they’ll never do it again.”
It’s not “They made a mistake.”
It’s not any of the excuses every battered partner ever made.
This is the time they’re in the hospital with bruising cutting off their airway, and a clot forming in their carotid artery.
This is a surgeon picking bird shot out of their abdomen.
This is a plastic surgeon trying to preserve eyelid movement so the cut doesn’t destroy vision.
This is the last attempt before the one that succeeds.
This is the final warning before family annihilation.

It’s domestic abuse.
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