Ten minutes into @joerogan with Mark Gordon and Andrew Marr. Quackish. PCR tests don’t work, masks don’t work, nothing works. Except hydroxychloroquine, etc. Mechanistic speculation at its worst. These things have been tested but guests tell fairytales. Very harmful to listeners.
OMG. Apparently quercetin cures cognitive decline, Indians are protected from COVID because they eat turmeric and zinc, calcium causes atherosclerosis & cholesterol heals it, vitamin D protects against statin sides, and there is dietary cholesterol in plants. I am at 16 min.🤷‍♂️
GMOs cause inflammation, carbohydrates and insulin are the cause of weight gain, carbohydrates cause hypoglycemia and cognitive impairment, vitamin D protects against COVID because epidemiology. 26 min.🤷‍♂️
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