@TaviAndPort @NHS foundation seems to be ideologically captured. We know about GIDS. But lets see what else they get up to with taxpayers money. 😁
Are they admitting here they are openly racist towards certain people based on their immutable characteristics or is this ideological capture?

It seem they are pushing the myth of the racial wealth gap which is a conspiracy straight out of critical race theory.
Notice here "White staff". This is segregation by race and offering them based on their skin colour "CPD".

This can mean only one thing unconscious bias training.

This is a disgusting form of racism in disguise as social justice. A
It seems they had money to do a seminar on "whitness" you can see the definition of whiteness in the link below.

It's honestly not good. And in a time of crisis how do they have money for this.
This is white people. Probably employees of @TaviAndPort encouraged in to self flagilating based on a sick racist lie. Using tax payers money.

The NHS is supposed be about health care not not mentally abusing people based on their race.
Oh and just because the first seminar went so well they are doing another.
They are moving anti-racism into psychology at @TaviAndPort. This is a disaster. Anti-racism does not mean against racism. It is sinister, sick and racist and the cause for the polarisation in the US. See the link below.

This is dangerous for people with mental illnesses.
Even though this says all are welcome they are obviously not. Or the groups wouldn't be broken down in their titles by what skin you have.

These are safe spaces based on race. It all but says it. But safety from what? We know the answer. Lies about people with different skin.
The groups are not just broken down by racial lines they are done so by sexuality and gender.

This is for students. The push to indoctrinate young people based on critical theories and far left psuedo realities is truly sickening and child abuse.
They say these groups are designed to "help" people "oppressed" and talk about their struggles.

They mean their struggles from systemic oppression which is a cute way of saying white people and liberalism.

Really it is indoctrination based on race and gender ideologies.
This is Anti-racism.

Any disparity that occurs down racial lines (seeing through a lens of race is racist by the way) HAS to be racist. Forget the multivariate analysis using the scientific method. It can only be racist.
It isn't.

And actually just saying something is racist using the Anti-racist dogma and leaving it at that never gets to the root cause and just leaves these people to continue to be ill.

@TaviAndPort is a safe haven for critical theories activists.
Racial superiority taking over the mental health and sponsored by @TaviAndPort
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