To those accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

I've spent this week thinking a lot about that. The slow, festering rage that is coming to a boil in this country that so many are having trouble understanding.
We see it so much now, wearing a lack of empathy, a lack of basic human compassion as some sort of badge of honor.
I've watched people beg us all to acknowledge that Black Lives Matter and you couldn't just agree. You couldn't just say "people shouldn't be shot in their beds just because of who they are." That was too much to ask. Just to agree or get out of the way.
I've seen people beg us all to admit that gay rights are human rights and you fought them every chance you got. People want the right to love who the want, be who they really are, and you would seek to deny them that. All while talking about freedom and liberty.
I've seen people people flee horrors in the hopes of finding the fabled American dream, the one this country was founded on, the one you boast about, and you want to see them locked away, their children taken from the. They begged to be allowed to live in safety. You said no.
I could go on and on but I'm fucking tired. We're all tired. We're tired of the lack of fucking empathy, the lack of fucking compassion, the entitlement, the hatred.
I truly believe a new day is coming, a day when people don't have to beg for their rights and freedoms, don't have to be scared of losing their homes and their loved ones for no good reason.
But that day isn't coming because of what we saw in the Capitol this week. It's coming in spite of it. It's coming in opposition to it.

A better world is possible and you are what is standing in its way. And we're all so fucking tired of waiting for you to move.
Forgive all the typos but I do think I mentioned I was tired.
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