So this is a thread for the modelling world to share the work of a seriously amazing modeller who you will know even if you don’t know the name. John Rosengrant has been in the hobby for many years and has produced some of the best dioramas I’ve seen, and a real inspiration.
The calm before the storm is my fave. So full of foreboding and based on a photo from 1945 of Sherman “Jumbos”. I love this one because I got to see it at a model show in the US in 2005.
Some of you may know the series of photos that inspired this
And another I saw in the US, John’s interpretation of the classic SAS Jeep
His main skill is his figures. They truly are alive, and each has a personality. But he sculpts them himself....something to aspire to!
The figures above are from this model...from another famous photo
Her’s a dramatic M5, from Operation Cobra
But why would you know his work? Because he has simply the best day job. He worked for Stan Winston, and was one half of the Queen Alien in Aliens. He was inside the Velociraptor in Jurassic Park. He’s sculpted Aliens, dinosaurs, Small Soldiers an endless list.
After Stan died, he set up Legacy Effects. You’ve probably heard of Avatar....and Baby Yoda? That’s Legacy.
But he still sculpts amazing models that pop up time to time. Check out Alpine Miniatures, he has sculpted a number of their US WW2 figures in 1/16 scale.
So some more of his creations....enjoy!
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