unpopular opinion but i think the popular view that “just tell het women not to partner with men duh” is reductive and unhelpful, a thread. hetfems... this post is not for you lol.
think about all the anti drug and anti drink stuff you’ve been fed. did any of it stop you from drinking/ doing drugs? probably not, and it was probably extremely unhelpful in situations when you were engaging with drugs or drink, because it didn’t tell you how to -
-minimise the risk when engaging with these substances by just saying “don’t drink”. men aren’t drink or drugs (they’re worse) but the premise is similar. when you tell women to straight up not engage with them your message is not going to engage with the vast majority of women.
- it’s unideal, but i think we should be teaching women how to be in a better position when engaging with men instead of just saying “don’t engage with them”. teach women to dump male partners who don’t like their hairy legs. teach women to recognise the effects of the male gaze-
-while offering forms of separatism that are realistic and helpful to a majority of women. it’s much more helpful to know about healthy alcohol intake than to just know you shouldn’t have drank it.
(ofc women engaging with men is much more complex that just drinking alcohol or drugs, but i think the premise is the same for anything that has risks but the majority will continue to do in life)
also this is just my opinion and i would appreciate feedback ! < 3
i guess my main point is that we shouldn’t be prioritising ideological purity over the number of women we could be helping
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