As if they needed this to silence people. Do I need to remind you you almost got killed by poisoning just for speaking out ? I'd take a twitter ban instead anyday. He's the president, he as a platform with the official government communication and has far more reach than Twitter.
This would have been relevant if he didn't ask a mob, through his speech and through social medias (including twitter), to attack the congress while they were voting to certify this very election he lost. He hasn't "paid" anything yet.
Losing an election isn't a punishment, it's the representation of the will of the people.
It's all known. He is the president and has millions of followers. He incited people to perform acts of violence against the state and people. This is forbidden by Twitter TOS so he was banned, that's it. It's not the first time he was timed-out.
He broke TOS numerous times during his 4 years. The reason he wasn't before is precisely because of his position of power. He repeatedly menaced Twitter and other SNS regarding their reactions to his tweets breaching their TOS
You get death threats from an army of bots with 0 followers and egghead PP. Not from the president of the fucking United States of America with 90M followers and a literal physical armed militias lapping up on everything he says
There's a permanent bot-hunt on Twitter as it becomes a more and more common weapon used by authoritarian government to shape the opinion. They especially use bot armies to not implicate themselves personally like Trump did, because they're smarter than
him. If Putin did the same thing Trump did, he would have been banned right away. The only reason Trump could run that propaganda himself is because he could threaten Twitter's very existence due to his position of, again, president of the USA.
- Follower base.
Random people with no following and sharing their opinion have very little impact. On the other hand you take someone with 90M followers and then people spreading, validating and condoning his destructive opinion, now there's real danger
Just like me answering this thread has little to no impact and you probably won't even see it, but if a big account with millions of followers did it would and your mentions would be filled with answers of different people.
It's also easier to fight 1 big account with a huge reach spreading lies than a million small one with very limited reach relaying that lie. If you want to kill the river, you plug the source.
Trump does have the blood of nearly 400K american dead from covid19 on his hands. He was allowed to spread his propaganda specifically because Twitter was too afraid to ban him like they banned so many smaller accounts relaying HIS lies.
The problem is that this is a colossal task to do and that in order to be able to perform it, they have to rely on machines and automatic processing. Which provides a very poor quality service and thus has a very overwhelmed customer service to process appeals.
You're not the president and you don't live in a democracy and again, that suppression is already the case in Russia for you, which is why you express yourself freely on Twitter.
This is in part true. This does set a precedent that will be weaponized by authoritarian regimes, and actually already is by China in particular. I'm sure Russia will follow up soon by adopting the same hypocritical rhetoric.
They 100% will use this to attack freedom of speech, and this is all on Trump's hands for he was the one to weaponize "freedom of speech" in the US.
FOS doesn't mean you can say whatever you want without consequences. It means you cannot be prosecuted for your informed opinions.
It doesn't mean you can tell people to attack others, knowingly spread propaganda and disinformation and get away with it.
These authoritarian governments do not recognize FOS in the first place, nor democracy. They thrive on lies and deception that the rest of the world naively
believes. Whoever think Russia is an actual democracy is just focusing on the illusionary technicality of it. Just like the elections in Hong Kong were an Illusion built by Beijing to ensure they'd keep power. Just like the elections in Belarus are an illusion.
This is a very good idea, but it's already kinda how it already works, the committee is Twitter complaints service and the rules are Terms of Service, there's no mystery. Now that he's out, they're safe to enforce to him.

The Trump ban should have happened years ago. If anything, Twitter shares part of the responsibility in the whole Trump sage by letting him use their platform to spread his hate and lies which in the end lead to an attack of democracy itself.
Another point related is that a LOT of people and organisations supported Trump not for himself but for what it represented to have supported him if he did managed to win the election or overturn its results.
Now people see that ship has sail and they're leaving as well to cut losses. It wasn't a fight for ideals, it was a fight to be able to keep and gain benefits with the potential future president, nothing more than a bet.
I was told once by an acquaintance in PRC when I asked them why they wouldn't protest more besides the obvious risk of hard repression and I was answered "We know China is bullying, but we'd rather be on the side of the bully than the bullied."
This is the same everywhere. It's a natural reaction, and it was also true during WW2, whether it was in Germany when Hitler was rising to power and brown shirts were killing people, or when the Nazis occupied France and winemakers took the opportunity to make a profit by growing
their business bigger than it ever was by selling wine to Nazis. And after the war and saw the Nazis lost, they all tried to shift the narrative by advertising "we didn't sell our wine to nazis" on their bottles.

This is the opportunism of extreme capitalism.
Fortunately, the bullies didn't win this time. But they did compromised and manipulated millions of regular people for whom this wasn't a fight of interests but a fight of ideals based on years of lies and who will bear the consequences of that mistake for a long time.
Very good thread on the same topic as well
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