I try to keep politics off this Twitter, but whatever your political beliefs, I think Shapiro makes important points here.

These platforms have tremendous power and we should all be concerned when they use that power to destroy companies that don't conform to their ideologies. https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1348292928591032325
I'm all for free market capitalism, but I think monopolies are a legitimate threat; they're a threat to the free market itself.

Let me be clear that these bans are not about safety. If they were, we would've seen this action during the BLM riots.
Last year, people were cheering on looting, vandalism, arson, the murder of cops and innocent civilians, etc. Far more people died, and blue checkmarks and even politicians encouraged not the peaceful protests, but the violent riots.

Twitter did nothing about this.
As Ben pointed out, these platforms were used to promote the violent BLM riots—in fact, these platforms have been used to plan and promote storming the Capital.

Heck, Twitter has been used by Nazis and pedophiles for years to spread Nazism and pro-pedophilia messages.
Does Twitter shut itself down or moderate these instances? No. It doesn't.

And I do think Nazism, pedophilia, calls for violence, etc. should be removed. It's something Twitter should be criticized for for neglecting all these years and even now.
But is that what Twitter is trying to do right now? No. It's not.

Again: if it was, then the accounts that called for killing cops, beating civilians, and the looting and arson of businesses, would've been met with bans. Politicians promoting the violence would've been banned.
Yet they weren't.

If people call for violence, then do ban them. But don't expect me to look at how you handled last summer and believe you when you say you're only preventing violence. I'm not an idiot.

This is not about solutions, this is about excuses. Don't lie to me.
And to now not only solely target conservatives, to not only act in complete hypocrisy, but to now use your power to monopolize social media and knock conservative platforms off the map with some bs excuse, is execrable.
They're holding platforms like Parler to a standard they themselves don't meet.

Twitter, you are full of Nazis and pedos. You are full of people cheering on and calling for violence, especially last summer.

Don't bs me about needing to hold Parler accountable.
It is lawful for a private business to attack free speech. Only the government is to keep its hands off that.

But that does not make it right to do it, and it does not make it right to shut down other platforms that haven't done anything wrong.
If you care about the first amendment, if you care about private businesses, and if you care about the danger of monopolies, you will be against the moves to take down platforms like Parler.
And for the record, Parler is not responsible for people abusing its platform, just as Twitter isn't either. The people abusing it are the ones responsible.

Not to mention, the majority of people using Parler are not abusing it. Again, this is an excuse and crocodile tears.
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