Not sure what to do with the Armie Hammer discourse
Like if he's being accused of abuse that's one thing, but I'm a jaded old woman who used to run a porn site and most of what's in those DMs feels like kindergarten play time to me 🤷🏻‍♀️
Like, oh, he wants to drink blood? What is he, a 1990s kinkcter with a vampire fetish? YAWN.
For years I've been hearing about how easy access to hardcore porn has warped the minds of young people but all these young people I know are like ARMIE HAMMER SAID WHAT? so... maybe not warped enough!
Also if you're horrified that Armie Hammer made a sexual comment about cannibalism DO NOT google Muki's Kitchen
Some of you did not spend your teens hanging out with goth kinksters and it shows
Also, like, I'm sorry, but in context it is PRETTY OBVIOUS that he's not talking about literally raping someone, he's talking about an extreme domination fantasy involving a knife; do we really have to have this whole discourse again?
As a virgin who has no phone I, personally, have never sexted anyone which is good because, whew, the stuff you people freak out over
This is what happens when a whole generation is raised to think kink == 50 Shades of Grey
Also, a very valid point is that leaking sexts like these means that people who *aren’t* into this stuff and potentially harmed by it end up seeing it so like... just bad all around
Stop making fun of people’s kinks and stop exposing people who don’t consent to see hardcore kink to it
I feel like “don’t kinkshame” has become this empty phrase that people wield without thinking deeply about it and it makes me tired
What “don’t kinkshame” *should* mean is that if someone is doing something they enjoy that is consensual for everyone involved then it’s none of your business. It doesn’t mean you have to like or understand or want to engage with everyone’s kinks!
But it also doesn’t mean that kinky people are immune to criticism either, because fundamentally if you are forcing your kink into people who aren’t into it that gets into nonconsent territory.
BTW I’m hearing that those screenshots are fake but ugh, the discourse
If you’re genuinely curious as to why someone might be turned on by cannibalism or vampirism or even nonconsent there’s a whole entire sex podcast that has devoted episodes to all three topics 
I promise you kinksters are insufferable and long winded enough that there is a whole entire feminist discourse devoted to explaining why people are into whatever thing you find horrifying and why it doesn’t mean they’re a horrible person
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