If we believe that the election was fraudulent does that make us a “crazy Trump supporter who was lied to?” That’s ridiculous-Trump didn’t lie about election fraud he is the only person who alerted everyone about it & the truth is that statistical facts show that fraud did occur
but it is very difficult to prove- it takes months & they didn’t give us months! Court battles weren’t won because the time & effort to put together a case that would win takes months-Trump tried hard & I appreciate that because it must be addressed! We deserve for it to be fixed
A mail-in election should not have been allowed without a proper mail-in process being put together including preventing mass ballot harvesting & fraud! This didn’t happen! Trump raised the alarm on this very early but the Dems had a plan!
Unfortunately this resulted in an election that should not have included mail in voting for the masses without signature verification, ballot drop boxes, etc. Again, Trump ALERTED EVERYONE of this & tried to prevent the disaster election that occurred!
Now the Dems want everyone to turn on Trump & the fake news media narrative, including Fox News, is that Trump misled his base! FALSE!! Trump INFORMED his base of what was happening all along the way!
Unfortunately he thought the states & Supreme Court would fairly consider his cases & agree that mail-in voting & changing the rules was unconstitutional .... they didn’t! As usual, our corrupt system left Trump & 75 million supporters hanging! Sad but true!
So, Trump is NOT the bad guy or the liar that led us on! The justice system failed! We would be fools to give in to the fake media & Dems & abandon Trump & believe their false narrative that Trump lied to us for mons-That is their new story that they’re trying to make us believe
Because if we abandon Trump they win & they don’t have to deal w/him in 2022 & 2024! Not going to happen! We LOVE our President Trump even more now! And I am not a crazy extremist! I’m true to myself, my country & our great president! 🇺🇸
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