The amazing thing about Rs trying to shift focus to Big Tech or saying impeachment is the wrong answer and so on is just how short-sighted it is. They realize this isn't going away, right?
In 10 days, Biden will come to office. Trump will certainly have pardoned himself. Congress will certainly find a way to censure the former president. DOJ will certainly press charges. And with him out of office, the next year will be like opening the Soviet archives.
Jan 6 is already seared into America's history, forever as unforgettable as the attack on Pearl Harbor or the attacks on 9/11. Everyone will remember is the time the president incited rebellion against the United States to seize the Capitol and overturn a democratic election.
And it'll get *worse* from here as they open the archives and do the investigations. It is sinking fast to the very deepest trench of the ocean, and everyone trying to paper over the cracks and not cut him loose are going to sink with him. I don't get why that's not obvious.
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