Here’s few reasons @krishgm
1) Govt want parents to work. They need to maintain the illusion that “Schools are safe”. If parents are in doubt they may not send their kids & will be unable to work.
2)They’ve failed SPECTACULARLY to provide enough #laptops & #Wifi for kids without
After 9 months they’ve supplied “world beatingly” low numbers meaning teachers can’t easily move to #blendedlearning .
So classes are fuller with many children who’ve no access to a laptop or WiFi, or a space to learn, compounding the issue of transmission again.
3)If Govt admit schools are places with high transmission of #coronavirus they will be forced to mandate #MasksInClassrooms. This will be very unpopular within many freedom loving @Conservatives MPs & the RW media who are chomping at the bit to “unlock”!
4)Govt know if they admit that schools/nurseries are not safe, sending staff into work 5 days a week with out even basic #PPE would be criminally negligent. If Govt admit schools/nurseries etc are places were #coronavirus is spread they will HAVE to supply #PPE for all staff.
5)Govt believe they can lateral flow test their way out of this completely predictable & largely avoidable education/childcare chaos, LFTs which are falsely negative in almost 50% of cases.
I’ve not read of any public health expert recommending this as a good way to proceed.
6)If they admit schools are not safe they will be compelled to #vaccinateTeachers & #earlyyears staff. This will blow a hole in the vaccination targets & delay them being able to “cry freedom” as soon as possible ( @matthancock quote from recent @spectator article).
7) #Ventilation needs to be improved but would again be a “cost”, one they seem determined isn’t worth taking.
The list goes on @krishgm ....
It’s about money, appeasing #antilockdown MPs& media & a dogged refusal to admit they’re wrong that will cost more lives & livelihoods.
How long will Govt continue to perpetuate the lie that “Schools are safe”?
They’ve dug themselves a very deep & dirty hole, current strategy is to just keep repeating it.
#MakeSchoolsSafe #MasksInClassrooms #MasksSaveLives #Laptops #Ventilation #blendedlearning #Covid19UK
Ps - I’d be prepared to bet my life earnings on the fact that a @conservative MP or #Tory donor has got their sticky fingers in the #lateralflowtest Pie!
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