You should view your @Twitter feed as a finely crafted interactive experience. Chip away the accounts that steal your joy or cause you angst - they are unnecessary in your experience of life - grow the list of people who bring value and enrichment and civility.
You do need to experience 'the other side of the coin' and you should be able to hear a different viewpoint, but it does not have to be acerbic or insulting. The smartest people do not resort to making you feel like a fool. Instead, take charge of your account and make it
a place of enrichment and strength, fun and joy. Twitter, after all, is not a necessity of life. So craft it into the best it can be, and help to make it a source that creates the greatest good that it can.
You can follow @johndobbs.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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