I wasn't able to get an interview with him or his mother. I had been trying since Friday after we were able to identify him. @jsrailton was among the researchers hot on his digital trail.
Let's see if the criminal complaint explains what he intended to do with those zip ties.
Details with the arrest of Brock, the older guy in the helmet. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/two-men-charged-connection-events-us-capitol
From Munchel's Facebook account:
“We wanted to show that we’re willing to rise up, band together and fight if necessary. Same as our forefathers, who established this country in 1776,” said Eric Munchel, who had driven from Nashville, Tennessee, with his mother, Lisa Eisenhart.
“It was a kind of flexing of muscles,” said Munchel, who wore a bulletproof vest. He said police confiscated his Taser during the riot. “The intentions of going in were not to fight the police. The point of getting inside the building is to show them that we can, and we will.”
“The left has everything: the media,
organisations, the government. We have to organize if we’re going to fight back and be heard,” said his mother Eisenhart, a nurse.
Ms. Eisenhart said a violent revolution has long been on the cards thanks to last year’s racial justice protests, anti-police riots and “unnecessary” coronavirus lockdowns.
“This country was founded on revolution. If they’re going to
take every legitimate means from us, and we can’t even express ourselves on the internet, we won’t even be able to speak freely, what is America for?” said a teary-eyed Eisenhart.
“I’d rather die as a 57-year-old woman than live under
oppression," she said. "I’d rather die and would rather fight.”
Back to Mr. Brock of Texas. His ex-wife called the F.B.I.
Another person recognized him and called the F.B.I.:
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