May I introduce you to Amina Moustaqim-Barrette.

According to LinkedIn is an Epidemiologist with Vancouver Coastal Health.
She is also apparently an apologist for US seditionists and is a free speech absolutist:
She seems to have extremely torqued thoughts on COVID-19 restrictions, some of which are demonstrated in her 'likes'.
She also frequently retweets disgraced writer and formerly-brilliant journalist Glenn Greenwald who styles himself a "left-wing" contrarian. Ditto Michael Tracey ... on the contrarian part, not so much the brilliant part.
She has protected her account and changed the username shortly after an exchange with biostatistician Ryan Imgrund and a few others in the B.C. #COVIDzero community regarding the lack of evidence up or down on school transmissions, and the overall transparency of CDC of B.C.
More of her resume:
I'm posting this because I find it very troubling that someone who presents as educated in science, and working in science locally, is clearly so easily duped by trolls and bad-take producers.
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