Your life is comprised of two things, chaos and stability.

Chaos is uncertainty. It’s not having a consistent paycheck, starting a company, searching for a partner.

Stability is certainty. Having a roof over your head, food on the table, a stable job.
A life that is filled with 100% stability is a boring one, you have no challenges or excitement.

A life filled with too much chaos is overwhelming, because there’s too many uncontrolled variables floating around at once.
People will push you to start a company or take a big risk. But to take that big risk, you should ensure the other parts of your life are stable enough to add that increase in uncertainty to your life.

Make sure you can afford the added chaos.
Others will tell you to play it safe. Don’t take the risk, work the 9-5, lead a normal life. You also need to ensure you aren’t too close to a fully stable life, because you lose the excitement of the chaos.

Avoid living a life where you are going through the motions.
Too much chaos can break any man.

Too much stability leads to a mundane life.

Optimize accordingly.
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