A short thread:

I am a big believer in giving your elected representatives an earful when you have strong opinions about the state of the nation. I am aware that I harp on it a lot.

More and more lately, people respond with an effective shrug, saying that they would, but their representatives are Republicans and won't listen.

It's great that I call my Democratic reps to voice my support for what they're already doing, but it doesn't move the needle.

If you don't contact your reps and let them know that you disagree, they get to live in a bubble. Don't let them do that.
The Affordable Care Act passed because thousands of people wrote letters and got on the phone and showed up at town halls and let their reps know that there would be consequences for killing that bill.
Some Republicans were moved by the personal stories of their constituents who were literally going to die if that bill didn't get passed.

Others were more moved by the potential death of their political careers.

But enough were moved that the bill passed and lives were saved.
NOW is the time to let your representatives know that if they don't support the Constitution now, they're getting turfed out.

Be polite. Be firm. Only call your own reps. But call and write and make your voice heard.
As always:

Letters beat calls (but calls are faster in a crisis).
Calls beat tweets.
And speaking out beats the hell out of silence.
GOP representatives are very invested in smoothing this over and avoiding consequences for members of their own party. They want to live in a bubble of Fox News and willful ignorance that will allow them to think that's OK.

We cannot afford to let them. Please make those calls.
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