Antun Saadeh was a fascist, a racist, and an anti-Semite. He believed that Arabs tainted their race by allowing themselves to marry Black people after the conquest of North Africa; he said that Syrians are superior to their neighbours and to others; that Jews shouldn’t be equals.
The debate is often reduced to the similarities between the SSNP’s symbol and the swastika, etc. But you can also just read his outrageous writings like how he classified peoples to superior and inferior races based on the shape of their skulls and how cool their ancestors were.
Here are some outrageous quotes from a lecture he gave in February 1948: “As for Arabs, they, unlike Syrians, have mixed with folks from the strains of [Arabic equivalent of the N word], and therefore a race from inferior strains entered the Arab mix.”
“Arabs allowed, because of the religious law factor, widespread blood mixing without differentiation between superior strains and inferior strains. When they conquered North Africa, which Syrians had conquered before, they permitted unrestricted blood mixing with African folks.”
“It was not possible for the mixture that resulted from the Arabs mixing with the barbarians and other people of Maghreb any renaissance that could yield urbanisation or political or artistic greatness of any kind or form,” he claimed.
In the same lecture, he said: “Syrian intelligence and Syrian mental superiority on their neighbours and on others is not debatable” and claimed that Jewish people should not be equal to Syrians and included in the Syrian nation. Is that not enough?
He lamented the fact that Islam said that people are equal, because it led to Arabs marrying Africans, which he says “Elevated the inferior and degraded the superior, resulting in a middle ground closer to inferiority than to superiority.” Yep
Here’s article four of SSNP’s authoritarian constitution: “The leader of the party is the supreme commander of its forces and the source of both legislative and executive authorities.” To join the party you have to swear an oath of loyalty to “the leader” and his authority.
Nothing unexpected in SSNP responses so far. “Saadeh said he was not a hitlerite,” so what? Trump says he isn’t a liar. “This is a misleading excerpt”. The full text doesn’t change the meaning here but reinforces it. “Saadeh said Syria is part of the Arab Nation”: not the point!
This is being put forth as a serious defence of Saadeh's ideology, suggesting that those from fertile environments are more creative and have fertile thinking, but those from "rough environments" can content themselves with their physical characteristics.
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