The USSR was a multinational socialist federation, and during the country's greatest trial yet: The Great Patriotic War soldiers of all the nations of the Union served in the ranks of the Red Army. This is a thread of photographs of these heroes...
Who's sacrifices alongside their Russian comrades would save the world from the scourge of Fascism.
Czechoslovak women serving as nurses and other auxillary roles in the 1st Czechoslovak 1st Army Corps, a formation of the Red Army. Over 30,000 Czechoslovaks would serve in that formation from 1943 to 1945. (Source: Russia Beyond)
(Colorized). Red Army soldier in Berlin, either Mongolian or of one of the Central Asian Republics. Picture by Yevgeny Khaldei.
Of the four soldiers involved in this picture (two visible), one was Russian, another Ukrainian, and two were Central Asians. (Source: "Comrades in Arms" by Bradford)
Red Army soldier of (likely) Tuvan origin. Around 8 thousand citizens of the Tuva ASSR, including ethnic Russians, would serve in the Red Army during the duration of the war, out of a population of 90 thousand. Additional pictures are the Tuvan Cavalry squadron.
Central Asian soldiers would make up a substantial minority of the Red Army ranks, most of whom would serve in mixed units with citizens of the other Republics of the USSR.
Soldiers of the Polish People's Army. Made up of expats, refugees, former Soviet POWs, and eventually volunteers from newly liberated Polish territories. Over 300 thousand Poles would serve in the PPA over the course of the war.
Pilots of the Red Air Force alongside Free French pilots of the Normandy Air Squadron, posted in the Eastern Front. Over the course of the war, the unit would score 273 victories and losing 46 pilots. When they returned home, they brought with them Soviet aircraft gifted to them.
Lastly is our most unlikely hero, Fritz Schmenkel. Given the name "Ivan Ivanovich" by his partisan unit, Gefreiter Schmenkel was a communist who deserted in November 1941 and fought until his death for the USSR. Awarded Hero of the Soviet Union, he was executed in 1944 by Nazis
There are so many more stories to tell but these are the ones I could find. These soldiers fought and many died for the cause of anti-fascism. Although their names may be lost to history, their deeds will never be forgotten. To honor their sacrifice is to be antifascist.
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