its pretty telling to see who committed abolitionists are by how they view state violence when it is directed at their foes
its not that any abolitionists are particularly sad or torn up about fascists going to jail or fascists getting killed by cops, its that those systems are not less bad if they will sometimes incidentally kill or harm our opponents when they are designed to harm and kill us
cops are bad because they kill those who they view as threats with impunities. prisons are bad because they are sites of sexual, physical and exploitative violence. cops dont solve problems, neither do prisons. that doesnt change if its a fash
aboliton does not mean not having consequences. aboliton means building alternatives to prevent harm, to repair harm, to rehabilitate and to have consequences for harm that actually work. if you hate fascism, you should hate prison. if you hate murder, you should hate cops
some people deserve punishment, some people can't be rehabilitated, but those incredibly rare instances do not mean that an entire murderous, cruel, and racist system of is justified. especially when the problems are not addreessed
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