| Thread | ~ Hacking your Subconscious Mind

In this thread, we’ll explore how we can rewire our minds,

Using it to our advantage to create the life we always wanted.

Let’s begin...
Why is it that we don’t realize we’re in a dream until we wake up?

The subconscious mind can’t differentiate between dreams and reality.

Sometimes we even have dreams that feel so real that we can’t tell if it was a dream or if it actually happened.
So how can we use this to our advantage?

Visualization and affirmations can literally reprogram your subconscious mind.

Putting these into practice will rewire your mind to believe that what you visualize is your reality.
Stop and think for a moment about what your dream life is.

Actually visualize it and think about how it feels to be living your dream.

See how real it feels?

Now imagine if you did this on a daily basis.
If my dream life includes being wealthy and traveling the world, I should visualize this, think about how it feels, affirm things like

“I have an abundance of wealth” and “I’m so grateful I am able to travel the world and live my dream life.”
Imagine if you just take a couple minutes to do this everyday.

If you truly FEEL what it is like to live your dream and act like you are doing so, your mind won’t be able to tell the difference between your dream and your present reality.
This is the basis of manifestation and the Law of Attraction.

Take a couple minutes each day to practice these methods.

You’ll be amazed at how different you will feel and how much more confident you will be in living your dream.
When your mind can’t tell the difference between your dreams and your reality,

All it takes is for time to catch up.

Thanks for reading.
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