When was the best time to get involved in Bitcoin? Suppose you had a time machine, and you could go back at any point in Bitcoin’s history and tell yourself to “look at Bitcoin” (you can’t tell yourself it’ll be worth a lot, you can only hint to yourself to look at it).
A lot of you would say “obviously 2009”, but chances are high you either wouldn’t take it seriously if you heard about it then, or you would sell your coins the moment some fool was willing to pay you a few dollars per coin.
You want that sweet spot in time where the past version of you wouldn’t dismiss it as an obscure project, so you don’t want to be too early, but you also want to maximise your return.
The earlier date you suggest, the more likely you sell too soon, get hacked, lose everything on Mt Gox, etc. I would say the sweet spot was 2015? By then Bitcoin was generally respectable, all the shady companies and dodgy wallets were gone, and the price was very low.
You can follow @CobraBitcoin.
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