A collection of the arguments proposed for the Existence of God as found in the « Manual de Apologética » by Auguste Boulenger:

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1st Argument

The existence of a contingent world cannot be explained without God.

“If at any moment nothing existed, nothing would exist for eternity.”
— Bossuet

There must be a necessary and eternal being. The world isn’t. Therefore, God. He is the First Cause.
2nd Argument

The movement we observe in the world cannot be explained without God.

All that moves, requires a motor. All secondary motors presuppose a primary moveless motor.
There is movement in the world. Therefore, there is a primary motor - God.
3rd Argument

The Order of the World cannot be explained without God.

All Order requires an intelligence. There is Order in the world. Therefore, there must be an intelligence capable of it - God.
4th Argument

We recognise things are imperfect. That requires a knowledge of perfection. There a perfect being exists, because if he did not he would not be perfect - God.
5th Argument

Philosophy qnd Science have likewise admitted the principle that a natural desire in Man cannot be frivolous. Man has a natural desire for God. Therefore, God must be.
The two last arguments are ontological and psychological. The first three are better for a philosophical discussion.

If this thread is well received I will consider making more as well as developing the arguments here announced.
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