One of the major reasons Afrakans suffer is our inability to unify because we often do not have clear distinctions between who is and who is not Afrakan. Case in point is the modern day "Berber" of Northwest Africa.
The Berbers, like the term "Latino" are a highly heterogenous population that share a common culture. To understand the heterogeneity of the Berbers we have to understand their history.
1. The original phase is the indigenous Africanoids of Northwest Africa who became increasingly mixed with the immigration of Phoenicians in the 7th-century bc. The Phoenicians were themselves a mixed race people who had Kemetic and Syrian mixture.
These mixed-raced "Phoenicians" mixed in with the local Africans in Tunisia to create the Carthaginian Empire.

The conquest of Carthage by the Romans in the 2nd century bc allowed for the gradual domination of the region by the southern Europoid type.
Roman domination lasted for over 700 years before the Arabs arrived. Roman domination of Northwest Africa included a significant intermixture with the local people, particularly in the major cities. However, the mainstream rural population remained Carthaginian.
2. The second phase is the Moors. On average, the Moorish man was mixed 60% African, 25% Asiatic and 15% Roman. This is the population the Arabs encountered. It was these Moors that conquered Spain and Portugal for Islam in the 8th-century.
The Islamicized Moors maintained primary control of Northwest Africa after the Arabs. They eventually separated from the Damascus centered control of the Islamic East and established their own version of Islamic culture in Northwest Africa.
It is important that we distinguish between these Moors/Blacks and the later Berbers who are the Asiatic people who usurped Moorish culture through intermixing.
3. However, the gradual domination immigration of Arab scholars and merchants into Northwest Africa under the banner of Islam slowly lightened the population.
By the 16th-century with the advent of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire in North Africa, the Moors (who were already 25-50% non-African in blood) became increasingly light.
After which, the African Moor was even more Asiatic or Europoid in appearance, becoming the modern "Berber" elite who is on average 70-80% non-African. Thus the word "Berber" should be used solely for this more Asiatic population that have usurped Moorish culture.
4. Because of American politics, the 20% African blood of the average Berber causes many African Americans to assume that Berbers are therefore African since the American slave law asserts that anyone with 1/16th African blood is African.
However, this concept was due to the politics of ownership of slaves, not the common understanding of race, and so it does not exist in the Islamic world where one has to be at least 50% Africanoid to be considered Africanoid.
This is especially confusing to African Americans because the large slave class of Berbers are primarily Africanoid. There must be a distinction noted between the elite Asiatic Berber and his enslaved counterpart.
What is amazing to some is that the Asiatic Berber enslaves his African without the use of a chain or whip. The African simply follows the mode of enslavement.
He is no different than the average African American whose relationship to the European is only marginally different than that of his enslaved ancestors' relationship to his enslavers. So how is it that slaves can be enslaved without chains?
If you look at the case of the Berbers, you will see that slavery is justified in Islam and the relationship (master=light, slave=dark) is considered the natural state of things.
Before you condemn the Black Muslim for being such a fool, remember that you will probably go work for your master tomorrow morning to earn pieces of green paper with the face of a enslaver on it.
The Berbers are the last people on the face of the earth to stop the formal enslavement of Africanoid people in 1981. However, hundreds of thousands of Africanoids remain enslaved to Berbers in Mauritania to this day.
Above is the Berber Octoroon woman and her African slave massaging her feet.

Berbers are not our family.
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