A mayoral candidate proposing anything "green" or limiting driving while at the same time NOT proposing expanding mass transit and upzoning is not a serious contender. Our carbon problem comes from autocentric culture. As long as we give citizens no real other options we fail.
Bus and bike lanes are a good start. But we have physically built much of our city where one needs a car. Making it harder to drivers but not giving them viable alternatives is a sure fire way to create backlash. Right now we have all stick and no carrot.
We need more subways. We need regional rail/fare reform. We need more bus lines that give ppl viable options for getting around that doesn't involve car trips. The Manhattan-centric model doesn't work anymore.
The city, state, and feds spent hundreds of billions of $$$ on building highways to facilitate autocentric lifestyles. It is laughably naïve to think that painting some strips on the road can overcome this. We need serious investment in mass transit to change our culture.
Making it harder for people to drive is fine if you are talking about Manhattan or the gentrified parts of Brooklyn. But how does that help someone who lives in most of Queens or the Bronx. Or all of Staten Island? We aren't thinking big enough or inclusive enough.
I think a very toxic attitude I hear online from the left is that drivers should change. Sure, but forcing someone to live a way in which they don't want to or can't isn't the way to go about it. I hate how many cars are in my hood but the answer isn't banning cars.
If you want a War on Cars then don't attack the symptoms, attack the cause. We as a nation need to start physically changing our cities so that more people don't have to drive. That will take real investment. All I'm hearing so far are buzzwords to make liberals feel good.
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