So I just got word that one of my favorite authors read my Book 2 and loved it. This was a big win for me because I STRUGGLED with Book 2.
All last year (2020, no shit!) I wrote and rewrote Book 2. There were a lot of tears. It wasn’t working. Finally, I had a fresh editorial letter and a 5 week deadline and I decided to rewrite it. The whole book. Based on a pitch I had literally JUST come up with.
I wrote every single day (while also writing my very first TV pilot outline). I was committed! (or should have been) And I finished! Except, it was 30,000 words short 🤦‍♀️
I was burnt out! I was over it! But I was also a professional. I kept working, fleshing the story out. 3 days before my deadline, I hit my word count goal—CLOSE ENOUGH!
I sent it to my editor. I waited for the email telling me my book 2 was being pushed back to give me time to fix it.
Instead, she wrote back saying she LOVED it! I was unsure—maybe she had just realized this was the best I could do?
But when I looked back on the book, *I* liked it. It was different, it was bonkers, it was fun. It made me laugh.
But would other people? I wasn’t sure. I sent it out to someone I adore and trust and she was generous enough to read it. Her kind words meant the world to me.
I can’t emphasize enough how unsure I was I’d get here. All y’all debuts know. But I’m here! Book 2 is going to copy edits!
Don’t give up! Even when writing feels like torture. Even when you’re burnt out and over it. Take risks! Follow your gut! But most important: DON’T GIVE UP.
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