The Fappability Theory of Makeup: A Meta Analysis on Contemporary Trends in Make-up.

Okay so I'm not someone that believes all makeup is bad or anything.

Of course beautification is fine in a lot of scenarios and there's nothing wrong with concealing a flaw etc.
I believe the dominant makeup (James Charles school) trends these days prioritise to increase, what I shall term as "fappability", of a woman. Not necessarily accentuate beauty. But to turn the applied into a walking aphrodisiac, or a visual viagra.
Look at some of the things they do. Incredibly "hot" colours and enlargement of lips, contouring nose and face shape into the least offensive shapes, glowy/oily visual texture to induce an impression of heat/fiestiness etc
The goal seems to be about recreating a particular image and making a man cum within seconds through visual stimuli rather than to make an impact as an individual.

This contouring into inoffensive shapes also explains why a lot of women look the same when they do makeup.
How did this happen?

This phenomenon seems to be caused through the influence of cis gays and "amorous" women. Who unsurprisingly dominates the consumer make-up industry.
Cis gays are by definition a lustful creature that centers their identity around their desire to please the phallus. So much so that many of them adopt an exaggerated stereotypically feminine persona.
So what happens when men and women who know what the penis likes and has built their whole brand around that comes to dominate the industry and standards of women's beautification?
It will inevitably be centred around the goal to arouse the penis. If you look at people who are the make-up gurus of the day, they're usually even more notorious for being promiscuous or even as insatiable sex fiends more than their craft (James Charles, Kim K, Jeffree Star etc)
So what all of this results in is makeup that makes you look like a sex toy for people with a porn addiction (aka fappability, also this is almost everyone) and selling that as a standard. The implications and influences from porn, consumerism etc is a topic in itself.
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